
January 15, 2020
2020 Minnesota Legislative Preview: Electric Vehicles
Minnesota’s legislative session is right around the corner and Drive Electric Minnesota is ready to continue our support of a policy and regulatory landscape that drives electric…

November 27, 2019
SMMPA Members Commit to Electric Vehicle Charging Network in Greater Minnesota
We applaud the announcement made earlier this week by the member municipal utilities of Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) committing to “establishing an electric vehicle (EV)…

September 20, 2019
Minnesota Department of Transportation Releases Pathways to Decarbonizing Transportation Report
A new report from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) shows routes to a lower-carbon future for the largest greenhouse gas emitting sector in the state. The…

September 17, 2019
Edina: Capital Improvement through Charging Stations
When transportation became the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, the City of Edina committed to exploring ways to reduce emissions from…

July 21, 2019
Reducing Transportation Emissions Through Better Zoning
Local governments across the nation are leading on solutions to address climate change that will bring major benefits to their communities, from cleaner air to saving money…

June 29, 2019
Business and Government Collaboration Creates Electric Vehicle Charging Solution: Case Study in Red Wing, MN
Businesses in the City of Red Wing, MN are a prime example of the forward–thinking needed to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. In 2018,…

June 11, 2019
Legislative Outcome on Electric Vehicles in Minnesota—Going Forward by Not Going Backward
We communicated a great deal about electric vehicle (EV) bills in the Minnesota legislature this year given their potential to shape the trajectory of EV adoption in the state. Some of the proposals would have increased EV adoption and infrastructure…

April 16, 2019
Minnesota Legislature at a Crossroads – Accelerate Electric Vehicle Benefits in the State or Hit the Brakes
Minnesota’s emerging electric vehicle (EV) industry is at an important pivot point. After years of effort by many people and organizations, the conditions are right for growth in EV adoption with the numerous…

April 14, 2019
Federal Bipartisan Effort Seeks to Expand Electric Vehicle Tax Credit
With more Americans taking advantage of the federal tax credit on electric vehicles, a bipartisan group of US senators seeks to remove a roadblock to continue that…

April 3, 2019
Minnesota Releases a Vision for an Electric Vehicle Future
The Great Plains Institute, which facilitates Drive Electric Minnesota, collaborated with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on a vision for the…