Join Drive Electric Minnesota

About Drive Electric Minnesota

Facilitated by the Great Plains Institute, Drive Electric Minnesota is a partnership of Minnesota’s electric vehicle (EV) champions, dedicated to encouraging the deployment of EVs and the establishment of EV charging infrastructure through public-private partnerships, financial incentives, education, technical support, and public policy. We believe EVs are an important component of energy efficiency and cleaner transportation in Minnesota that is both financially and environmentally sustainable. Advancing EV deployment will benefit Minnesotans by reducing transportation costs, providing cleaner air, and offering energy independence. 


Who can join Drive Electric Minnesota?

Any organization that supports the coalition’s mission can apply to join Drive Electric Minnesota. Our coalition includes state and national advocates; local, regional, and state governments; electric utilities; auto dealers; and charging companies. We are looking for more auto dealers, automakers, charging companies, electricians, labor groups, and tribal nations to join our efforts.   


Why become a member?

Members of Drive Electric Minnesota are part of a dedicated community that includes all the parts and players in the electric vehicle industry. Members work together to equitably expand transportation electrification for everyone in Minnesota. Through collective action, members overcome industry barriers and move toward a future of electrified transportation. 

Circle that says influence


Be a part of Drive Electric Minnesota’s growing influence in Minnesota.

Circle that says collective action


Participate in quarterly member meetings and committee work to collaborate on actionable strategies.

Circle that says networking


Network with other industry professionals and establish useful working relationships to help advance projects.

Circle that says education


Learn from key players in the industry, attend webinars, participate in quarterly member meetings, and get access to valuable resources.

Membership levels

We have a variety of membership levels to meet an organization’s needs. Suggested annual dues are based on an organization’s type and size as well as its vested interest in transportation electrification.    


Join Today!


For an added fee, Drive Electric Minnesota staff can provide the following services:

  • Organize a ride and drive
  • Facilitate meetings
  • Engage community members

Inquire about our additional services today.


“We value the depth of knowledge and representation in Drive Electric Minnesota and its support and advancement of clean transportation.”


—Brian Timerson, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency


Fill out the application form below to join the coalition. Your request will be reviewed by our steering committee. Staff will inform you of the committee’s decision.