Becoming Electric Vehicle Ready
Cities have tremendous influence over how and where infrastructure is built and serve as a critical and necessary partner in the transportation electrification market transformation. Great Plains Institute, which facilitates Drive Electric Minnesota, has identified five principles for what constitutes an electric vehicle (EV) ready city:
- Policy: Adopt policies and plans that support electrification of transportation and acknowledge EV benefits
- Regulation: Implement development standards and regulations that enable public and private sector EV use
- Administration: Create predicable, transparent, and well-documented administrative processes for installing EV charging infrastructure
- Programs: Develop public programs to overcome market barriers to EV use and installation of charging equipment
- Leadership: Demonstrate EV viability in public fleets, facilities, public transit, and alternative transportation modes
For more information about these EV principles, click here. By focusing on these principles, a city can prepare itself in all capacities to be ready for electric vehicles.
The Great Plains Institute compiled a list of resources below to guide local governments on their quest to become EV-ready. Some resources serve as examples based on what other cities have done, while others are more comprehensive and can be used as a guide. If you have any questions on how to utilize these resources, please do not hesitate to email us.