Resources for Developing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The following list is Drive Electric Minnesota’s go-to resources on electric vehicle (EV) charging and will be primarily helpful for policymakers, electric utilities, charging operators, workplaces, destination sites, and other entities looking to become involved in siting EV charging stations. While there are a few resources that are applicable to individuals, individuals will mostly benefit from the information on our Charging 101 page.

Get Started

Charging Electric Vehicles 101­­

Our webpage provides an overview of everything you need to know about electric vehicle (EV) charging, including charging speeds, plug standa­­­rds, electric utility programs, and charging an EV with renewable energy.

Visit Drive Electric MN’s Charging 101→

Lay the Foundation

Summary of Best Practices for Electric Vehicle ­­­Ordinances

Local governments can make a big impact in electrifying transportation through zoning ordinances. This summary guide, developed by the Great Plains Institute, is designed as a reference for local governments looking to develop EV zoning standards or development regulations. The examples are not intended to constitute recommendations but rather to show the breadth of choices made by communities across the United States to integrate electric vehicle supply equipment into development regulations.

Download the Summary of Best Practices for Electric Vehicle Ordinances→

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Economics Calculator

Developed by the Great Plains Institute, this interactive calculator helps station operators identify how much utilization is needed to break even or earn revenue based on variable and fixed costs. Users can adjust the variable and fixed costs for their situation, making it a robust planning tool.

Use GPI’s EV Charging Station Economics Calculator→

DC Fast Charger Streamlined Permitting Guidebook for Local Governments

Published by the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA), this guidebook provides an overview of the permitting challenges and solutions experienced by charging developers and authorities having jurisdiction over DC fast chargers. While written for New York state, the best practices may be useful in Minnesota. Improving the permitting process for DC fast chargers can speed up Minnesota’s ability to utilize federal and state funds in the coming years.

Download the guidebook→

Install a Charger

Charging Guidance

Our three-part guide is designed to help public sites, fleets, and workplaces choose and purchase the right charging station, select a site, and install a station. While it won’t replace the need to have site-specific conversations with electric utilities or electricians, it will arm users with the necessary information to inform their decision-making process.

Visit Drive Electric MN’s Charging Guidance→

Multi-Unit Dwellings

Operated by Drive Electric Minnesota partner Shift2Electric, this website provides resources for building owners, managers, developers, utility companies, and others to install EV chargers at multi-unit dwellings. For entities needing resources beyond the website, Shift2Electric is available for consulting opportunities.



Developed as part of the US Department of Transportation’s ROUTES initiative, Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Rural Electric Mobility Infrastructure provides rural communities with a resource tailored to their unique needs. Rural stakeholders can use the toolkit for tips to plan and install EV chargers in rural areas.

Download the toolkit→


Operated by Drive Electric Minnesota partner Shift2Electric, this website provides resources for EV owners, employers, building owners and managers, and utility companies to install EV chargers at workplaces. Tools include a survey template, power and energy calculator, metering and payment systems table, and more. Shift2Electric is also available to consult with workplaces that require a more hands-on approach.


Find a Charger

Alternative Fuels Data Center

The Alternative Fuels Data Center, maintained by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, is the most accurate station locator in the United States. In addition to mapping EV chargers, the tool maps alternative fuel stations, including biodiesel, compressed natural gas, ethanol, hydrogen, liquefied natural gas, and propane.

Visit the AFDC→


PlugShare is a great resource for locating upcoming and operational charging stations in Minnesota. As a crowdsourced tool, anyone can add a public or home charger to the map so others can find it. Features include filtering by location, plug, power level, and network. PlugShare also enables trip planning and feedback on charging stations from other EV drivers.

Visit PlugShare→

Pursue Funding

Clean Energy Resource Teams Seed Grants

The seed grants allow applicants to fund a portion or all of the installation costs of an EV charging project. Eligible entities include nonprofit organizations, local governments, tribal nations, community-based organizations, and more. The awards are given every two years.

Learn more→

Drive Electric Minnesota Electric Vehicle Incentives Database

Our “Electric Vehicle Incentives Database” is a one-stop shop for Minnesotans looking to purchase or lease electric vehicles, charging stations, and more. The database lists all federal, state, utility, and other incentives currently available to Minnesotans.


Federal Incentives

This database, maintained by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, provides information about federal incentives, laws, and programs related to various alternative fuels, including EVs. Listed incentives include funding opportunities for both charging stations and vehicles. One of the more common federal charging incentives is the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit.

View available federal incentives→

State Incentives

This database, maintained by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, provides information about Minnesota incentives, laws, and regulations related to various alternative fuels, including EVs. Listed incentives include funding opportunities for both charging stations and vehicles.

The database also lists utility and private incentives that may not be comprehensive. If your utility is not listed, be sure to check with them to see if they have any incentives for EV chargers.

View available state incentives→

Volkswagen Settlement Grants

Administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Volkswagen settlement will fund just over $7 million in EV chargers through 2027. From 2018-2020, the grant program funded 60 DC fast chargers and 25 dual-port Level 2 chargers. Open grant opportunities can be accessed at the link below.

See open grants→