Edina: Capital Improvement through Charging Stations
September 17, 2019 | Joe Cella | Education

When transportation became the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, the City of Edina committed to exploring ways to reduce emissions from transportation in the city. To ensure it is properly supporting the technology and methods necessary to decarbonize transportation in the city, Edina decided that investing in electric vehicle (EV) charging was worth including in its capital improvement plan. We developed a case study to share Edina’s decision-making process on where to add charging stations in the community, lessons learned, and advice for other cities.
Project Highlights
- In the 2019 capital improvement plan, the city of Edina planned $25,000 per year to install public EV charging stations.
- Edina is setting an example and supporting its community to go electric. The city installed charging stations in the 50th and France north parking ramp, and city hall is next!
- Edina is providing leadership on EVs by expanding infrastructure, such as installing charging stations in areas that do not have access to a public station. This included adding charging infrastructure at municipal buildings means more charging for Edina’s fleet vehicles and visitors.
Read the full case study here.
Drive Electric Minnesota has a tool for guiding your community through the process of installing charging from the ground up. Find it here.
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P.S. If you’re looking for some more inspiration, Hans and Franz are here to “charge” you up.