Gail Nosek

November 1, 2019
New Incentive to Promote Electric Vehicles in Minnesota
Starting November 1, 2019, residents who purchase or lease a new or used EV will receive a one-time credit of up to $250 for MnPASS, allowing them to drive in the express lane when…

September 20, 2019
Minnesota Department of Transportation Releases Pathways to Decarbonizing Transportation Report
A new report from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) shows routes to a lower-carbon future for the largest greenhouse gas emitting sector in the state. The…

June 20, 2019
Behind the Wheel: GPI Electric Vehicle Drivers Share Their Experience on Public Radio
Many of our Great Plains Institute (GPI) staffers have become owners of fully-electric vehicles in recent years. Over the last several months, Minnesota Public Radio shared their…

April 14, 2019
Federal Bipartisan Effort Seeks to Expand Electric Vehicle Tax Credit
With more Americans taking advantage of the federal tax credit on electric vehicles, a bipartisan group of US senators seeks to remove a roadblock to continue that…

April 3, 2019
Minnesota Releases a Vision for an Electric Vehicle Future
The Great Plains Institute, which facilitates Drive Electric Minnesota, collaborated with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on a vision for the…