Federal Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program
April 10, 2023 | Katelyn Bocklund | Events

About the webinar
Drive Electric Minnesota and the Clean Energy Resource Teams are excited to present a webinar, Charging up Minnesota Communities: Getting up to Speed on the Federal Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program, on April 25, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. central. This event will provide attendees with valuable information related to the federal Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program so that they feel equipped to develop competitive applications.
Webinar topics:
- An overview of Minnesota’s existing electric vehicle public charging infrastructure
- An overview of the federal Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program, including its requirements
- Best practices for siting and installing charging stations
- An overview of available resources and assistance programs
- Jukka Kukkonen, founder of Shift2Electric
- Mike Scarpino, Acting Technical Assistance and Implementation Team Lead at the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation
- Drive Electric Minnesota staff
Who should attend:
- State government
- Metropolitan planning organizations
- Local governments
- Special purpose districts or public authorities with a transportation function, including port authorities
- Native nations
- Authorities, agencies, or entities owned by one or more entities listed above
- Group of entities listed above
- State or local authorities with ownership of publicly accessible transportation facilities
- Private entities interested in partnering with eligible entities
About the program
The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program features both a community program and a corridor program. The community program will fund charging stations and alternative fuel infrastructure within communities, aiming to resolve gaps in infrastructure. On the other hand, the corridor program will fund charging stations and alternative fuel infrastructure along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors, aiming to support the build-out happening from other funding programs, such as the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Grant Program. Both programs are subject to the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements and the Build America Buy America Act.
Eligible entities for both programs include:
- State or political subdivision of a state
- Metropolitan planning organization
- Unit of local government
- Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, including a port authority
- Indian Tribe
- Territory of the United States
- Authority, agency, or instrumentality of, or an entity owned by, one or more entities listed above
- Group of entities listed above
In addition to the entities listed above, a state or local authority that owns publicly accessible transportation facilities is also eligible to apply for the community program.
Each program has different ways that private entities can partner with eligible entities. According to the notice of funding opportunity, private entities include corporations, partnerships, companies, or nonprofit organizations. Eligible entities must contract with private entities for the corridor program and may do so for the community program.
To help connect eligible entities to private entities or other eligible entities, Drive Electric Minnesota is compiling a project partner list, available below. Entities can add their organizations and capabilities to the list by submitting this form.
More information about the program can be found in the notice of funding opportunity.