A Vehicle for Change

At Drive Electric MN, we want to make getting into an electric vehicle easy. That starts with understanding the conversation around electric vehicles. If you decide an electric vehicle might be for you, take a look at our buying guide, then learn about some of the charging options for workplaces and employers, including fleet operators.


Types of electric vehicles:


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Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)

BEVs use a battery to store the electric energy that powers the motor. EV batteries are charged by plugging the vehicle into an electric power source. Examples of BEVs include the Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt, and Tesla Model 3.

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

PHEVs are powered by an internal combustion engine that can run on conventional or alternative fuel and an electric motor that uses energy stored in a battery. The vehicle can be plugged into an electric power source to charge the battery. Examples of PHEVs include the Mitsubishi Outlander, Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid, and Chevy Volt.

Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)

HEVs are primarily powered by an internal combustion engine that runs on conventional or alternative fuel and an electric motor that uses energy stored in a battery. These vehicles do not get plugged into an electric power source for charging and are not a focus of Drive Electric MN. A common example of an HEV is the Toyota Prius.

What are the Benefits?

Plug-in electric vehicles can help increase energy security, improve fuel economy, lower fuel costs, and reduce emissions. Download our EV benefits fact sheet.


Electric vehicles have a higher upfront cost than conventional vehicles. However, incentives, such as the federal Clean Vehicle Credit, lower their cost, making them more affordable. They also require much less maintenance than a gas-powered car—some estimate as little as half—further reducing operating costs. Not to mention that with a fully electric vehicle, you’ll never have to swipe your card at the pump again.

See how much money you could save on fuel when switching to an electric vehicle by using our calculator!


Owning an electric vehicle (EV) is just as easy on the environment as it is on the wallet. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, and PHEVs produce no tailpipe emissions when in all-electric mode.

The lifecycle emissions of an EV depend on where the electricity used to charge it comes from. In Minnesota, switching to an EV reduces greenhouse gases from 58 to 88 percent compared to gasoline vehicles. Learn more about how electric vehicles provide large greenhouse gas reductions in Minnesota.

Energy independence

In 2013, the United States imported about 33 percent of the petroleum it consumed, and transportation was responsible for nearly three-quarters of total US petroleum consumption. With much of the world’s petroleum reserves located in politically volatile countries, the United States is vulnerable to price spikes and supply disruptions. Using hybrid and plug-in electric vehicles instead of conventional vehicles can help reduce US reliance on imported petroleum and increase energy security by using domestically produced electricity.

Plug-In electric vehicles have significant greenhouse gas emissions benefits over gasoline- or diesel-powered vehicles. According to an analysis done by our parent organization, the Great Plains Institute, electric vehicles offer drivers significantly lower operating costs. Because the vehicle draws its power from your electrical grid, which is a blend of renewables, nuclear, natural gas, and coal, the greenhouse gas emissions of EVs are also significantly less than those of a gasoline- or diesel-powered car.